NavvTrack's 2023: Year in Review - Growth and Milestones

Andrew Stauffer
December 28, 2023

This year at Navv Systems, we’ve been busy building out tools that are transforming the future of healthcare delivery. We have a big vision for how the NavvTrack Care Traffic Control platform will guide hospital systems to improve patient care, reduce stress on clinical staff, and ultimately improve healthcare systems efficiency. One of our main goals is to enable these organizations to do more with less, by leveraging existing technologies and introducing workflows that reduce friction and improve results.

In 2023, we embarked on a path to bring our existing solutions into a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. This new architecture allows our team to quickly bring new customers online and seamlessly deliver regular updates with new features and functions. The evolution of the software also provides for a highly scalable environment, allowing NavvTrack to meet customer demands ranging from single site hospitals to large systems with multiple facilities and campuses.

The Beginning of Asset Tracking

Our team completed and delivered the first version of our Asset Tracking module in Q1, which involved locating over 1,900+ IV Pumps throughout a 335-bed, 1.5 million square foot hospital. Since its implementation, NavvTrack has helped eliminate pump shortages throughout the campus that were formerly a thorny issue, as well as assist in patient safety issues where specific pumps needed to be located and serviced immediately. As other departments became aware of this technology, the hospital system expanded the use of our location technology to work with additional equipment such as negative pressure wound care devices and patient vital sign monitors.

Evolving iOS Fleet Management

As we continued building, our Fleet Management solution evolved to provide even more functionality at the request of our customers. In the past, someone had to log into the mobile application for the device to report a location. Now with the new mobile application and enhanced platform, the mobile app continuously reports its location regardless of whether someone is logged in. In addition to location, the Navv app also reports critical device health statistics aimed to keep the fleet of phones compliant and avoid any security risks or breaches through device loss.

Lost Mode

In addition to consistent location reporting, we also added an integration with our partner JAMF that allows Team Managers to place devices into Lost Mode through the NavvTrack web console. With this capability, small IT Teams that are focused on mobile devices can more easily scale to their demand. We have customers with 3-4 staff members trying to track and manage thousands of phones across several large buildings located hours away from each other. The tools we provide help reduce device loss and keep IT budgets from inflating out of control.  As one more measure to prevent loss, we even worked on automating lost mode when the device simply leaves the campus!

Enhanced Messaging

If that wasn’t enough, as we built out the SaaS version of NavvTrack we also enhanced the Secure Messaging that is available to healthcare teams. In this newest release there is group chat functionality that promotes communication and collaboration of staff no matter where they are inside these massive hospital campuses. Mobile users can send messages to a dispatcher at their desktop computer, and the dispatcher has a floor-aware view that allows them to task out jobs based on staff location. This has been a popular workflow for a successful customer of ours that we simplified to make their job just a little bit easier. The amount of time and steps saved have been critical for smaller teams trying to increase efficiency.

Improved Device Check Out

Lastly, we implemented major improvements to the Check Out feature of the Fleet Module. We were able to reduce a lot of friction in the process of checking out a device by leveraging our new mobile app and scanning dynamically generated QR codes for each staff member. Once checked out, the device displays on a dashboard showing its vital health statistics and status. This is helpful when assigning a device from a shared fleet to a team member, ensuring that they get a device that is working and has enough battery to last their whole shift. Upon return, the device is quickly checked in with a single click.

It was a busy year for the team here at Navv, and we’re just getting started on what’s possible in the future of NavvTrack’s Care Traffic Control platform. We have some big things planned in 2024 around locating equipment through existing network infrastructure, the ability to create and schedule jobs across the mobile workforce, as well as more integrations with industry standard software. Bringing all of this information into a single actionable platform provides a virtual view throughout the hospital that will change the future of healthcare. We can’t wait to show you what’s next.