Navigating Our Compliance Journey: Why SOC 2 Matters for Navv Systems and our Customers

Daniel Siegal, MD
January 9, 2024

At Navv Systems, our vision is to transform the healthcare experience with the power of location. We embarked on this journey with a clear understanding of the unique challenges and responsibilities of supporting the healthcare sector. Our commitment to delivering innovative fleet management, asset tracking, and workflow management solutions is built on a foundation that emphasizes the importance of security and compliance.

We are excited to share today that Navv Systems has received its SOC 2 Type 1 certificate. SOC 2 compliance is not just a box to check but an integral part of our mission to provide high-value, secure healthcare technology solutions.

Understanding the Unique Challenges

From the start, we acknowledged the distinctive security and compliance risks inherent to healthcare. Unlike many other industries, healthcare is subject to stringent regulations such as HIPAA, which govern the handling of protected health information. The stakes are high, and we knew we had to tailor our approach accordingly.

The Journey to SOC2 Compliance

As Navv Systems has grown, our core objective has always been maintaining the trust of healthcare leaders, providers, and patients. Achieving SOC 2 compliance is a significant milestone on this journey. SOC 2, or Service Organization Control 2, is a widely recognized standard that attests to the security, availability, and processing integrity of a service organization's systems. For us, SOC 2 compliance represents our unwavering commitment to safeguarding sensitive healthcare information of any type.

Benefits of SOC2 Compliance

Our Continued Commitment

In 4-6 months, Navv Systems will be audited again to ensure we are continuing to adhere to these security standards. Upon completion, Navv will receive its SOC 2 Type 2 certification.

For Navv Systems, achieving SOC 2 compliance isn't a one-time event; it's an enduring pledge to maintain the highest security and compliance standards. Regular audits and assessments ensure that we stay vigilant against evolving risks and adapt to meet new challenges.

SOC 2 compliance is not merely a badge to display; it's a strategic investment in data security and customer trust. At Navv Systems, we're dedicated to demonstrating our ability to effectively understand and manage the unique security and compliance risks associated with healthcare. By prioritizing SOC 2 compliance, we can continue to innovate, provide value, and, above all, ensure the utmost protection of all our data. At Navv Systems, our vision is to transform the healthcare experience with the power of location. We embarked on this journey with a clear understanding of the unique challenges and responsibilities of supporting the healthcare sector. Our commitment to delivering innovative fleet management, asset tracking, and workflow management solutions is built on a foundation that emphasizes the importance of security and compliance.